Canopus Station


  • 7 Mission Posts

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Sat Jan 15th, 2022 @ 9:40pm

Lieutenant Kurt Bishop

Name Kurt Bishop

Position Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3
Weight 230
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Kurt is tall with a powerful build. Kurt's hair is well kept and he has a few days growth of hair on his face.


Father Spencer Bishop
Mother Alice Bishop
Brother(s) Ivan Bishop
Sister(s) Zelda Bishop

Personality & Traits

General Overview Bishop strives to keep order. He is a professional and does things by the book and doesn't tolerate slack, especially from himself. He can be insensitive to the feelings of others.
Strengths & Weaknesses Bishop is a talented security officer. He is fit, proficient in fighting, and has a cool temperament. He also has a firm understanding of Starfleet regulations and Federation law.

Bishop's attitude can be overbearing at times. Kurt believes in regulations first which can come across as insensitive and uncaring.
Ambitions Working in a well ordered and peaceful Starfleet is what Bishop strives for. He is working his way to become department head and later wants to captain his own ship.
Hobbies & Interests Kurt still enjoys the study of geology and will read about any updates or findings in that field. He also practices kick boxing. When melancholy, he drinks whisky.

Personal History Chaos was the only constant in Kurt Bishop's upbringing. The family lived near Taos, New Mexico. Kurt’s mother was the local gossip. She wanted to know everyone’s business. This made it hard for Kurt to make friends as the children soon figured out that Kurt’s mother would get information about their parents for gossip.

His father worked as a belt miner. His pay was good, but he was almost never home with his family. When Kurt’s father did come home, he often got drunk and sometimes arrested. As Kurt got older, he would often leave home when his father returned from space.

The outdoors was Kurt’s open sanctuary. While out in the mountains, he could forget all the problems he had at home. No one sharing secrets or getting intoxicated. Just the wilderness in its own practical form. Kurt became very proficient at hiking and mountain climbing.

While Kurt was a gifted athlete, he struggled academically. Kurt was smart enough to do the work, he struggled because he found schoolwork uninteresting. One of Kurt’s instructor’s, Laura Bachman, recognized Kurt’s potential and encouraged him to study what he saw when he was sporting outdoors. With Bachman’s encouragement, Kurt became the top student in his science classes.

Kurt applied for Starfleet Academy. While there, he studied the sciences and earned a degree in geology. Kurt also became interested in the martial arts, particularly kick boxing. Kurt was a diligent student but made few friends.

When deciding a career path, Kurt chose the security branch. While he loved the sciences, he just was not at home in a lab. He needed to be out on an away mission or on the bridge.
Service Record Cadet: Star Fleet Academy

Tactical Officer: USS Hammerhead, Steamrunner Class

Brig Officer: Robert Peel Penal Facilities, Trondheim 7

Tactical Officer: USS Gangut, Sovereign Class

Security Officer: Canopus Station