Canopus Station
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Intermission, Part 2

Posted on Fri Dec 30th, 2022 @ 10:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Mara Ricci

Mission: S0E0: What Came Before

The first time Mara had woken up next to Spires, her mind had immediately gone to Bela before a momentary disorientation and then the memory of who was next to her came rushing back. And so as she had drifted off next to Bela, she fully expected to think it was Spires the next morning.

But it was a different kind of disorientation this time, because when she woke up with her limbs tangled up with someone else’s, her mind immediately jumped to Bela. This seemed odd to her and she had to open her eyes to make sure it really was him and not Spires again.

“Good morning,” he said as her eyes met his.

Her face broke into a grin. “Good morning,” she said sheepishly.

“Expecting someone else?” he asked with a grin of his own; she must have looked surprised when she opened her eyes.

“No,” she replied. “And that’s why it’s so weird.”

“Tell me.”

There it was again. Bela liked honesty and openness. She had to admit that it had made their relationship easier, even if she still struggled with putting her thoughts and feelings into words. “Well, I was seeing someone for a few months,” she explained. “A couple of times, when I woke up with him, I thought it was you. I sort of expected to think you were him. Don’t worry, though; we’ve been through for awhile now. He’s a scumbag.”

“Then what on earth were you doing with him?” he asked.

“I have no idea,” she replied honestly. “I was a good influence. I think I was hoping to help him be better. Not for me, obviously, because he couldn’t improve that much fast enough, but for the next girl. If there even is a next girl.”

“For her sake, I hope you were successful,” he said.

“You’re not jealous?” she teased.

“Of course I am!” he laughed. “He got to spend countless nights with you and I didn’t!” He winked at her. “But seriously. Why would I be?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know,” she replied. “Some men are.”

He kissed her forehead. “You know me better than that,” he said.

“Or I should, anyway,” she replied. “You always find a new way to astonish me.”

“I’m full of surprises,” he said with a grin.

She sighed happily. “I didn’t realize how much I’d missed this,” she admitted. “Waking up next to you and talking about nothing and everything all at once.”

He brushed her hair behind her shoulder. “I’ve missed it, too, Mara,” he said. “I hope this wasn’t just a one off.”

She had to think a moment before replying. “I… don’t want it to be,” she replied. “I mean, I’ve missed you so much. I didn’t realize how much.”

He smiled. “I’ve missed you, too,” he told her. “The only difference is I realized it.”

She grinned. “So does that mean we’re going to try this?” she asked.

“It’s definitely doable, if you want to,” he replied. “After all, we’re usually docked every couple of weeks, usually only for a day or two, but it’s enough.”

“And we’ll never get sick of one another,” she pointed out.

“Exactly!” he replied, feigning excitement. “I know I can be a lot to deal with. And you! You get on my nerves. You’re way too perfect.”

She laughed. “I can’t decide if that was a compliment or an insult,” she said.

“It was meant to be adorable,” he replied with a lopsided grin.

“All right, all right,” she laughed. “You get the points.”

They simply laid there for a few moments in silence then. Bela continually smoothed Mara’s hair gently and she brushed her fingers up and down his arm. It was quiet and tender and Mara found herself regretting that she had to get up soon and resolved to just enjoy this moment until the very last second.

“I love you,” Bela said softly.

Mara’s stomach flipped as it always had every time he’d said those words. “I love you, too,” she replied, just as softly. She would have kissed him, too, but Ravioli chose that moment to jump up onto the bed, worm her way between them, and lick both of their faces.

“Good morning, Ravioli,” he laughed, scratching behind her ears. “Yes, we love you, too.”

Ravioli panted happily. She had been so ecstatic to see Bela again the night before, Mara had almost thought they’d never get to their purpose in returning to her quarters. But, after about a half hour or so of play, Ravioli had settled down and allowed Bela and Mara to have their own fun. Surprisingly, she hadn’t bothered them until just now.

Mara gave Ravioli’s back a scratch. “Of course we do,” she agreed. “Although, you pick a heck of a time to interrupt. Ah, well. I suppose we should probably get up anyway.”

“Yes,” agreed Bela regretfully. “Never mind. There’s always tonight.” He added a grin and a wink.

“Definitely,” she agreed, returning his grin. “I think I’m going to take a shower. Want to join me?” she added, a twinkle in her eye.

“Absolutely,” he replied.

‘Tonight’ ended up being a repeat of the previous night except that this time, they took Ravioli to the holodeck for an hour before retiring to Mara’s quarters. The following day had been full of making sure his ship was ready to set out on patrols again and once she and his engineers decided the ship was space worthy again, they had to go.

“Do you really think this can work?” she asked as they approached the dock from the ship side.

“If we want it to,” he replied softly. “And I certainly want it to.”

“So do I,” she admitted, taking hold of his hand and giving it a little squeeze. “It’s not going to be easy.”

“Nothing that’s worth it ever is,” he replied, returning the squeeze. “But for you and Ravioli, I’ll try my hardest.”

She chuckled. “Me and Ravioli,” she repeated, amused.

“Of course!” replied Bela cheerfully. “If I want to be with you, she comes along, right? Plus, who can resist that face?”

“Good point,” she replied. The dock had come into sight and it was time for her to go home. “I’ll miss you,” she admitted.

“I’ll miss you, too,” he replied. “But at least this time, we know it’ll only be a couple of weeks until we see one another again.”

“That’s true,” she said with a grin. “Well… I guess Ravioli and I will see you in a couple of weeks, then.”

He grinned as he enveloped her in a tight hug. “Yes you will,” he said, kissing her forehead. “I love you, Mara.”

“I love you, too, Bela,” she replied, reveling in his hug for a moment before finally pulling away. “I’ll see you later.”

He merely nodded, giving her the same lopsided grin that had made her weak in the knees when they had first started dating.

She waited until the docking ring closed and the ship had withdrawn from the station to turn and head back to her quarters.

It would only be two weeks….


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