Canopus Station
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What Has He Done?

Posted on Mon Feb 13th, 2023 @ 3:24am by Lieutenant Commander Mara Ricci & Lieutenant Francesca Ricci

Mission: S0E0: What Came Before
Location: Francie's Quarters

Once Mara and Meilin had given their report to Ingram, Mara headed to Francie’s quarters to pick up Ravioli. While they were only gone for a day, she hadn’t wanted to have to worry about the dog in case something had gone wrong. And anyway, Francie loved Ravioli. As soon as she rang the chime, the door opened, revealing Francie looking altogether too stressed and Ravioli trailing behind her, looking extremely worried.

“What’s happened?” asked Mara at once, kneeling to reassure Ravioli.

“There’s been an accident,” answered Francie.

Mara’s mind immediately went to Bela and her throat constricted. But she hadn’t had a chance to even tell Francie that Bela was back. And anyway, how would Francie have heard something about a captain she didn’t even really know? “What’s happened?” she asked again.

Francie bit her lips and shook her head. “It’s Marc,” she said.

No! Not her brother. Quickly, she stood and shooed Ravioli back into Francie’s quarters. “What exactly happened, Francie?” she asked, voice wavering.

“He’s alive,” Francie reassured her. “He’s in surgery. Oh, Mara! He picked a fight with a civilian! And in the process, he… fell.”

“Picked a fight…” repeated Mara. Her brother was a hothead, she knew that. But to pick a fight? Why would he do that? Never mind, they could get to that later. “We should sit down,” she suggested.

Francie nodded and they sat on her sofa, Ravioli jumping up between them so she could comfort them both. “According to station security, he attacked the civilian” continued Francie. “The civilian just tried to block or deflect him repeatedly. Tried to stop the fight. But you know Marc! He won’t let things go. Anyway, he rushed the civilian, who simply moved. Unfortunately for Marc, that meant tumbling right over the guard rail from the second terrace on the medina.”

Mara gasped. “Oh no,” she whispered, tears springing to her eyes.

“The doctors say he’ll survive,” continued Francie. “But his back is broken in several places and they don’t know if he’ll be able to walk.”

“Oh my god,” breathed Mara.

“I know,” replied Francie. “Since you were off the station, they had to get me to okay the surgery. He definitely won’t walk without it, so I figured what can it hurt?”

Mara nodded. “But, why would he attack a civilian?” she asked.

“Well…” said Francie slowly. “It was Spires.”

Mara’s jaw dropped. “But… but… why?” she finally said. “I purposely didn’t tell him why Spires and I were through. I made it sound mutual. Why would he…?”

“He must have figured it out,” answered Francie. “Or guessed. He knows Spires. He knows what sort of man he is. Marc may not be terribly book-smart, but he understands human nature better than anybody else alive. He knows you, he knows Spires, and he knows what both of you would do in certain situations.”

“I suppose that’s true,” agreed Mara. She shook her head and dabbed at her eyes with her sleeve. “So what now?” she asked.

“The doctors will contact me as soon as he’s out of surgery,” answered Francie. “Luckily the Sherman Potter was nearby and sent a couple of spinal specialists. He’s getting the best care possible.”

Mara nodded and the two sat in silence for a few moments. “How is Spires?” she finally asked.

“A little banged up,” answered Francie. “Nothing serious.”

“Is he pressing charges?” asked Mara.

“I haven’t heard,” replied Francie. “It doesn’t sound like it, though.”

“He wouldn’t want to deal with it if he could avoid it,” Mara mused. “He hates working with any sort of law enforcement. And it’s not like he would get anything out of pressing charges. I would be surprised if he decided to.” She absentmindedly scritched Ravioli behind the ears.

“That seems to fit him,” said Francie disapprovingly. “Why were you even with him?”

“I think he was a rebound guy,” answered Mara. “I met him literally days after breaking things off with Bela. Which, by the way, remind me to tell you the full story sometime, but he’s here.”

“Bela?” asked Francie, surprised.

“Yeah,” said Mara. “He’s commanding one of the two Defiants patrolling the area.” She sighed. “I’ll tell you all about it sometime when we’re less stressed.”

“I take it he’s back in your life?”

“Tentatively,” replied Mara. “We’re trying it, anyway. Argh!” she growled, making Ravioli jump slightly. “I was so looking forward to telling Marc all about him. Marc would love Bela.”

“You can still tell him,” Francie pointed out. “Once he’s in the clear medically.”

“Yeah,” said Mara dispassionately. “I know.”

They didn’t say anything for awhile, simply sitting in silence with Ravioli between them. Finally, Francie stood. “There’s no point in moping about,” she said. “Let’s take Ravioli for a walk. Maybe get something to eat.”

“I don’t feel like eating,” said Mara.

“Me neither,” agreed Francie. “But we’re going to anyway. Come on,” she ordered, taking Mara’s hand and giving her a tug.

“Fine, fine,” relented Mara, pulling herself off the sofa. “But let’s go to that little bistro that has fresh made dog food. We may as well spoil Ravioli, too.”

“Deal,” agreed Francie, retrieving Ravioli’s leash; Ravioli immediately jumped up and rushed to Francie’s side, tail wagging. “Yeah, you know what this means, huh?” said Francie as she hooked the leash to the dog’s collar. “You ready?” she asked Mara.

“I suppose so,” replied Mara. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”

Francie only grinned- a bit sadly- and led the way out of her quarters.


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