Canopus Station
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Lurker In The Void, Part 3

Posted on Tue Apr 27th, 2021 @ 1:01am by Gunnery Sergeant Philibert "Fender" McCord

Mission: S2:3: Snow Drift
Location: Karank System

One thing that security officers and marines learn on the job is how to hotwire a door. Fender was relieved that the boarding team opened the bulkhead without having to resort blasting it open. He had taken a block of explosives in case of that eventually. Luckily, he still had it stored in his armor and planned to return it to the small stock on the Plumbata.

The interior of the Gorgon was dark and cold. It reminded Fender that the ship was a mausoleum. It was moments like these that Fender missed Bug. The other marine had always seemed to draw the same assignment as Fender. Together they could handle any problem. Fender could bounce ideas off him and Bug would call Fender out for any bullshit. Bug was his security blanket. Now, Bug was a platoon sergeant leading his own marines.

Khatri was a solid NCO, but he was new to the marines and was still trying to fit in rather give Fender proper feedback. Taz had the most experience but was still angry with fender and rightfully so. Hotchkiss and Ng had potential but were still green NCOs. Sternwald was, if anything, a detriment. A narcissist like Sternwald leading a platoon and some one eager to please like Khatri was a toxic combination. When they got back to Canopus Station one or both would have to leave the platoon. If Fender had his druthers, it would be Sternwald.

"Are you done clearing the ship?" Sternwald asked over the comm.

"Just getting started, Lieutenant. Grab a burrito, sit back, and enjoy the view of Karank IV. We'll let you know when we're done." Fender replied.

The warp core chamber was dimly lit by a few indicator lights. As the party explored, several corpses were found on the deck. The corpses, clad in first generation Starfleet uniforms, were mummified and clutching laser pistols. Laser burns on the walls of the chamber helped tell the story.

"Looks like about eight of our guys were smoked. I don't see any aliens though." One of the marines reported to Fender.

"Then who were they fighting?" Khatri asked.

"Judging by the body positions, they were fighting themselves." Taz answered.

"We'll let the big brains at intelligence figure that out." Fender interjected. "Hanson," Fender called the medic. "Document were the corpses are and try to identify them."

"Sergeant Khatri, how does that warp core look?" Fender asked.

Khatri looked over the engineering control panel. "Looks like the core is operating at about five percent."

"Can you increase the power? I'd like to get life support up and the lights on. It would help us search the ship." Fender requested.

"I was just a systems engineer." Khatri replied. "I don't know if I can do that. Even at that, the warp core hasn't been maintained in two hundred years. We are lucky it is still running."

Fender nodded, at least Khatri was honest and knew his limitations. "Alright, do what you can. I'll leave Hanson and one of the fire teams here. The rest of us will head to the bridge."

"I want a sitrep now, McCord." Sternwald ordered from the Plumbata.

"The warp core is intact and still operational. We're heading for the bridge. We'll make contact when we learn more. McCord out."

Sternwald turned to Morgav. "It is clear he wants to be insubordinate. The boarding party is safe on the Gorgon and they have a guiding beacon. As of now, I'm ordering you to set a course for Canopus Station."

The Tellarite laughed at Sternwald. "You losing your testicles is not justification for stranding a boarding party on a derelict."

"That was an order, Piggy." Sterwald threatened.

"Oh, so now personal attacks too? I do not answer to you or the marines. I answer to Lieutenant Ricci. Write her a request. If she know the caliber of officer you are, she'll waste no time in deleting it." Morgav laughed.

As Fender and the boarding team entered the bridge it was dark save for a few consul lights. Five bodies lay on the deck of the bridge with the tell tale signs of laser burns. Even in the darkness, burn damage was noticeable on some the consuls and control panels. In the captain's chair, the body of a white bearded man with red command piping sat. Beside him, a brandy glass and empty bottle of madeira.

"First Fire Team, head to the lowest deck of the command sphere and sweep your way up. Second Team, start in the upper decks and work your way to the lower decks. Do a quick sweep and try not to touch anything. Corporal Taz and I will try and get into the ship's logs. Any questions? Good, move out." Fender instructed them.

"So, how to get into the Captain's logs?" Fender inspected the captain's chair as the two teams of marines moved out.

"Should we wait for Sergeant Khatri?" Taz asked.

"The good sergeant has enough to do in engineering." Fender replied. Trying to relax the atmosphere between the two of them, Fender tried to make small talk. "I know it may be none of my business, but why did you leave Andoria? Can you tell me about your clan?"

"My clan wants nothing to do with me and I feel mutual about them. As for why I left Andoria, your right, it is none of your business." Taz answered coldly.

Fender just gave Taz a nod. "Okay, I got it!" Fender announced as the view screen came to life.

A dark skinned man with a white beard was on screen. Behind him, a damaged consul was still on gently burning, smoke filling the bridge. The officer took a drink from his brandy glass before talking.

"Captain's Log: Final Entry. For anyone viewing this, I am Captain Desoto of the USS Gorgon. It is my sincere hope against all odds that those listening to this message are from Starfleet. I so, I salute you my stalwart comrades, you know how far we came. My brave crew and I were shot very much off course. We were traveling through an ion storm and the storm reacted with our engines. We we were finally able to gain control, we were wildly off course. We are from the Milky Way. Even at maximum speed, it would take too long to get back home."

"Worse, one of our crew, led a mutiny. Our chief science officer, Lieutenant Commander Chang, started to have delusions of grandeur. He claimed to be an elder god and that we should worship him. Somehow, he gained some sort of psionic powers. He convinced some of the crew to join him. And because of that, I have to do what I am doing."

"As of the time of this recording, Chang and the mutineers were blown out of the shuttle bay. They were trying to fix the shuttle in order to make their escape. I'm the only survivor on board. To ensure the Gorgon doesn't fall into Chang's hands, I'm turning off life support. To you new viewer, this may seem a bit over kill. Chang, however, seems to have super human resistance. He has survived both laser shots and time in a hard vacuum. This is the only way to stop him. May god have mercy on our souls." The view screen then fades out.

"An honorable Starfleet officer. Unlike the one leading us." Taz stated.

"I hope you talking about Sternwald and not me." Fender replied with a mirthful smile but Taz did not reply.

"Gunny, this is Lance Corporal Hendrix of First Fire Team. We are in science lab 3 Alpha. You need to come down here and see this." A young male voice told him.

"Alright Hendrix, we are on our way." Fender replied.

It did not take long for Fender and Taz to make their way through the darkened corridors. All eight marines were now in the science lab. On the examination table under one of the marine's lights was a large humanoid skeleton. The creature had a large skull with oddly beautiful horns. The skull also had six slender eyes, three in a row on each side. A cold feeling went down Fender's spine as he viewed the creature.

It was then the lights came on. Taz let out a whelp in surprise. Fender found himself a little startled.

"Gunny, I got the lights working. Life support should be on soon." Khatri reported.

"I see that. Good job, Sergeant." Fender replied. "Plumbata, are you getting a good image of this skeleton?"

"Yes, we are." Sternwald replied. "What a stunning creature."

Sternwald's response didn't sit well with Fender. Of course, nothing Sternwald did sat well. "Good. Corporal Hotchkiss, bring over Second Squad and the other medic. I'm sorry Corporal but your squad is stuck on body clean up. Make sure the medics properly document everything before the bodies go into the morgue. Oh, and ask Petty Officer Garcia to come over. She is the closest thing to a bridge officer we have and I'd like to have her take a quick look at the Gorgon's sensor logs. McCord, out."

"I must get a better look at that beautiful creature." Sternwald told Morgav while the two looked out over the Gorgon.

"Yes, please go over and look to your heart's content. At least you won't be here." Morgav replied.

Sternwald ignored Morgav's insolence. "Corporal Ng, I am going to the Gorgon. I want a fire team as my security detail. Have them ready to go."

"I think Gunny wanted us here to secure the runabout." Ng replied.

"Just give him the guys and let him get out of here for awhile." Morgav advised Ng. "Nine marines should be able to secure a runabout."


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