Canopus Station
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Tangled In Chains, Part 1

Posted on Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 11:11pm by Lieutenant Kurt Bishop & Noq't

Mission: S2:3: Snow Drift
Location: Lutash System

"We should reach the Lutash System in about five minutes." Warrant Officer Khang reported to Lieutenant Bishop as the two men piloted an Arrow class runabout.

"Thank you, Mister Khang." Bishop replied. "Petty Officer Mapleton, is the rescue team ready?"

Mapleton, clad in armor, did a quick weapons check of here Phaser rifle before responding to Bishop. "Team is ready to go. Do we have any idea how many pirates there are?"

"We don't have a firm count but we estimate between two and five. The shuttle they hijacked is an old Type 3. Not very big. There were only two passengers on the shuttle, the Bolian owner named Vashnaar and a Klingon scientist named Roloq." Bishop informed Mapleton.

"Why would they hijack such a small shuttle? That little boat couldn't be worth that much?" Mapleton asked.

"Vashnaar sent a message that he spotted another disabled shuttle of unknown origin. While he was investigating, his shuttle was hijacked." Bishop explained.

"So, do we know what species the pirates are?" She asked him.

"No, we have to play this by ear." Bishop told her.

"So I may not be of any use?" The hybrid Betazoid Ensign asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. I'd still rather have you here, Ensign Dimorro." Bishop told him before turning to Noq't. "How did a Klingon allow himself to be taken hostage?"

"Roloq is ninety seven years old, even Klingon bodies wear out. He has been failing to die for too long. He will not consider himself a hostage." Noq't explained.

"What does that mean?" Bishop was a bit confussed.

"He will act as a passive observer in this crisis. He will have no concern for his own personal safety." Noq't explained.

"So why are you here?" Bishop asked.

"I want to see how Starfleet handles a hostage situation." Noq't answered.

"So your telling me the Empire doesn't have any experience with hostages?" Bishop was incredulous.

"Klingons do not take hostages." Noq't smiled at Bishop.

The Arrow class runabout came out of warp. In the distance was a large moon orbiting a bluish green gas giant. Peacefully floating along were two small craft. One, a bronze colored orb with a pair of nacelles. The other was an old Type 3 shuttle.

"Lieutenant, the shuttle's shields are up." Khang reported. "I can read five life signs. One Bolian, one Klingon, and what appears to be three humans."

"Can you read any weapons?" He asked.

"The humans each have a small ion energy device. I can't tell you any more than that." Khang added.

"Thank you. Try to hail them, Mister Khang." Bishop ordered.

The view screen switched to a view of the Type 3's interior. A Bolian clad in a grey jumpsuit sat nervously next to an ancient Klingon. Behind them were three human females with oddly long and slender ears. Their faces had bruises and cuts in various stages of healing. They were clad in bronze bodysuits with red trim. In their hands each held a bronze and iron pistol radiating a light bluish glow.

"This is Lieutenant Bishop of Starfleet. First off, is anyone hurt?" He asked.

The female in the middle had long white hair which she wore loose. Bringing up her pistol to the ready position, she moved up between the hostages. "We have not hurt anyone." She replied, as if to an accusation.

"Okay, good. Is any from your party injured?" Bishop asked coolly.

The question took the white haired female by surprise. "We are uninjured." She answered cautiously.

"Then we are off to a good start. Why have you taken our people hostage?" Bishop calmly asked.

"We need a vessel to take us home. They refused us." The female nervously told Bishop.

"That is not true." The Bolian interjected in a panicked voice.

"Be quit or I'll shoot you!" The white haired woman shouted at Vashnaar and pointed the pistol at his head with a very shaky hand.

"You have failed to shoot anyone so far." Roloq spoke up in a disappointed tone.

"Leave me alone!" She turned to gun to the Klingon's face.

"Show them how serious you are. Shoot me." Roloq challenged the anxious woman.

"I will!" She shouted as the pistol shook in her hand.

"Okay, let's all calm down." Bishop tried to deescalate the scene. "I believe you are serious. Your demands sound reasonable. We want to get you home. Could you please refrain from pointing the gun at the hostages?"

The female nervously nodded in agreement. She was then aware that she still pointed the pistol at Roloq. She quickly pulled the gun to her side.

"Good. See how easy this is? I'll give you a moment to relax. We'll be back shortly." Bishop then gave Khang the sign to cut the signal.

Bishop turned to Dimorro. "Did you get anything?"

"The Bolian is near panic and the Klingon is almost disappointed. As for the three pirates, they're terrified. They know they've gotten in over their heads." Dimorro explained. "I think they just want this to be over."

"What now?" Noq't asked.

"I don't think they want to hurt anyone. That said, they're very nervous. I'm more concerned that one of them will accidentally shot someone. Their weapons discipline leaves a lot to be desired. If I can't get them to calm down, I'll send over the rescue team." Bishop told Noq't.

"How will you get past the shuttle's shields?" He asked.

"Every registered Federation ship has a code Starfleet has that will bring down the shields. We'll bring the shields down and transport over the rescue team. The team will have their weapons on stun."

Bishop signed for Khang to bring them back up. The females looked apprehensive. "We'll try to work this out." Bishop told them in a calm voice. "You know my name, can you tell me yours?"

"I'm called Orianna." The white haired female replied nervously.

"You have a pretty name, Orianna." Bishop told her in a steady voice. "Do you have any titles or rank, Orianna?" She just shook her head no. "Okay, I only want you to talk. Now, what do you want, Orianna?"

"We want to go home. We can give you the coordinates?" Orianna offered.

"Please send them give them to Vashnaar. He will send them over." Bishop instructed her. "Orianna, why don't you use your shuttle to go home?"

"Our shuttle is inoperative and Vashnaar already has the coordinates." She told him.

"Send them over." Bishop told Vashnaar.

With a grimace, the Bolian complied. Orianna tried to steady herself. As the coordinates were feed into the Arrow's navigation system, Bishop could understand why Vashnaar didn't help them. He took a deep breath as he knew things were going to get worse.

"Orianna, your home world is on the Centaurus Arm, Right?" Bishop asked.

"That is where we need to go." Orianna nervously replied.

"Our ships aren't capable of going that distance. That's too far away." Bishop calmly explained.

"No, no, no." She started break down.

"I'm sorry. We want to help you get home, but we can't. Perhaps we can tow your ship back to our station and repair it?" Bishop offered.

"We don't know how the drives work." Orianna was overwhelmed with panic and started to cry. "We needed your ship."

"Khang, drop their shields!" Bishop shouted. "Mapleton, beam over!"

The three females looked on in horror as four armored people materialized on the shuttle. Mapleton shot one of the females before she could react. One female turned to run but was also shot down. Orianna dropped her pistol and covered covered her head with her arms before getting gunned down. The view screen then went out.

"Mapleton, are you there?" Bishop shouted over the comm.

A moment later the signal came up. Mapleton's face appeared on the screen. "Sorry, Lieutenant. The signal was cut in the firefight. My team has already put restraints on the pirates and collected their weapons."

"Good job, team." Bishop gave Mapleton a quick nod. "Okay, I'm sending over the medic to check everyone out. Anything else?"

"Yes, there is a fourth female on board." She replied.

"Why didn't the sensors pick her up?" Bishop asked.

"Because she is dead. Her body is wrapped in what looks like blankets." Mapleton explained.


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