Canopus Station
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There Are Rules?

Posted on Sat Jan 15th, 2022 @ 9:40pm by Lieutenant Kurt Bishop & Gunnery Sergeant Philibert "Fender" McCord

Mission: S2:4: If Not Like A Mirror
Location: Marine Country, Canopus Station

Lieutenant Kurt Bishop entered the battalion headquarters office. He moved to the orderly desk as the clerk on duty stood up to address Bishop.

"How can I help you, Lieutenant?" The orderly asked.

"I need to have a word with Major Tatiana." Bishop replied.

"The Major and the officer corp are off dealing with the croakarians." Fender informed Bishop.

"Do you mean the Carcosians?" Bishop asked.

"Whatever they're called." Fender quipped.

Bishop sighed in frustration. "I need to talk to the Major about rumors of gladiatorial games being held in the marine areas. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Fender shook his head. "Nope. That's news to me."

It was then that a young man with lance corporal rank entered the office. "Hey, Gunny, Sergeant Bug and that Nausicaan corporal are gonna fight in the pit."

"Really?" Bishop looked at Fender with a raised eyebrow. "Please, Lance Corporal, show us the way."

The marine led Bishop and Fender to a chamber. It was a large cargo hold. For what ever reason, the engineers that rebuilt the area never put in a full floor. Instead, the hold had a ledge about a meter wide and opened to the deck below. In the lower deck, the walls were lined with sand bags and the floor covered in sand.

"What the hell is this?" Bishop asked Fender.

"Wait and see." He replied with a smile.

Marines were quickly filling the ledges of the upper deck. Some sat at the edge, legs dangling over the sides. Others remained standing, waiting for the spectacle to begin.

One of the doors of the lower deck opened and a Nausicaan corporal emerged. His long muscular arms hung by his sides. He growled at the crowd of marines.

On the opposite side, the cargo doors opened and Bug entered the pit. "I'm gonna wail on you!" He shouted in an aggressive voice.

"Are they going to fight?" Bishop asked in disbelief to Fender. "I think Corporal Burganski is going to receive a beating."

"Don't underestimate the Bug, Lieutenant." Fender smiled.

Bishop snorted at Fender.

"Don't believe me, Lieutenant Bishop? How a bout a wager of gold pressed platinum?" Fender offered.

"Gambling is forbidden on this station, Gunnery Sergeant." He curtly told him.

"Sissy." Fender replied before turning his attention to the fight.

On the sand covered deck, Bug charged at the Nausicaan. As Bug leaped forward, the Nausicaan did a round house kick. The blow landed squarely in Bug's chest, sending the marine backwards and spinning. Bug fell face first into the sand.

Bug stood up and shook himself off. With a sneer of defiance on his leaps, he charged again. As Bug reached his opponent, the Nausicaan lifted Bug aloft and threw the sergeant into a wall of sandbags. Several bags fell to the ground when Bug crashed into them. For a moment, Bug lay on the ground, still.

"I hope you have a medic on standby?" Bishop asked Fender.

Fender pointed to a female marine in the crowd, a medical pouch under her arm. "Yeah, that's part of the rules."

"There are rules?" Bishop was taken back.

It was then that Bug slowly stood up. He turned to the Nausicaan. Bug charged and did a flying leg kick. The Nausicaan simply ducked as Bug flew over him. Bug slammed leg first into the sandbag wall. More bags fell as Bug was back in the sand.

"Would you like to concede defeat?" The Nausicaan asked.

Bug had a tortured face as he slowly stood up. "I never give up."

And with this words, Bug charged again. The Nausicaan punched Bug on his nose and the marine feel to the sand, supine. The Nausicaan turned to Fender and shrugged his shoulders. Fender shook his head in reply.

Bug struggled to get up. He did a slow round house punch that was easily intercepted by the Nausicaan. He then twisted Bugs arm around his back. Bug cried out in pain.

"He's won Bug, contest over." Fender told him.

"No way, I totally have him where I want him." Bug replied. The Nausicaan then tightened his grip and Bug howled in pain.

Fender looked to the medic. She nodded her head and jumped down into the pit. The Nausicaan let his grip loose and Bug feel once again into the sand. This time, he stayed there.

"Does Major Skobelova know you do this?" Bishop asked.

Fender had a puzzled look on his face. "Yeah, it was her idea."

"It's barbaric." Bishop replied.

"It helps the lads get things off their chests." Fender justified their actions.

"You are to stop all functions of this exercise immediately." Bishop ordered Fender.

"That's not up to you, Lieutenant." Fender told him.

"Oh really? As of now you and the Major are on notice. Any more activity here and you'll be arrested." Bishop threatened.

"I'll pass that on up." Fender smiled at Bishop. "I'm sure Major Skobelova is concerned about what the acting head of security thinks."

Bishop gave Fender a sour look before leaving.


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